About Us
The Visalia Community Enhancement Foundation is a non-profit public benefit corporation that is dedicated to the enhancement of the greater Visalia “Quality of Life” and the purpose of which is exclusively charitable to secure and broaden resources for parks, youth programs, recreation, the arts, and the environment.
Core Values
The Foundation guides us to:
Enhance and create a sense of community through recreational experiences for all ages
Promote Visalia as a healthy place to live
Respect and encourage individual ability and creativity
Demonstrate honesty, integrity, and equality
Core Purpose
The Visalia Community Enhancement oundation facilitates quality projects and programs that provide activities to strengthen community and family bonds as well as foster pride in Visalia and its parks.
We achieve success by doing the following:
We are a model foundation for community activism
We celebrate our parks
We will engage community volunteers and efficiently use community resources and partnerships
Foundation Overview
The Visalia Community Enhancement Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, Tax ID:77-0424247